Bookings & Enquiries

For all other enquiries, please email us at or call us on 01235 550139.

Where to Find Us

Directions to St Ethelwold’s House

30 East St Helen Street, Abingdon, OX14 5EB

From the A34 Northbound: take the Abingdon exit, turning right at the roundabout onto the eastbound A415 into the town centre. In the town centre at the traffic lights you will be taken left into Stratton Way (now 2-way). After 100 yards or so turn right into Stert Street. In Stert Street (one-way) you will go through 2 lots of pedestrian lights. About 50 yards after the second set, there is a three-way junction (church on your left). 
ON THE RIGHT there are two roads immediately next to each other (the old County Hall – very tall with arches under it – is on an island between the two). TAKE THE SECOND TURNING  – in front of ‘Fat Face’ on the corner and behind the County Hall – which will take you into Market Place, then immediately into East St Helen Street. You will pass the Kings Head and Bell pub on your left.
St Ethelwold’s House is number 30 and is on the left, half to three quarters of the way down (no B&B signage). If you have a lot of baggage, you can park temporarily in the drive at No 30 (through large black gates to the left of the front door), and come in through the open black side door.

From the A34 Southbound: take the North Abingdon exit, turning left at the top of the slip road onto the southbound A4183. Follow this to the town centre, turning left into Stert Street. In Stert Street (one-way) please continue as above.

Parking: We have no parking on-site at St Ethelwold’s. You can park in the street in a ‘Pay and Display’ parking bay (i.e. not marked “Residents Only”). Between 8.00am and 6.00pm. You should get a ticket from the machine immediately. If there are no spaces in the street, continue to the end and turn right into West St Helen Street where there is more street parking and a car park on the second left. This car park is free on Sundays, and between 6 pm and 8.00 am on other days, and also for the first two hours. But you still need to get a ticket.

Do not park in a “Residents Only” bay at any time.

N.B. The traffic warden is very vigilant.