Regular Events
At St Ethelwold’s, we have regular events, activities and groups, open to all. These include yoga, meditation, counselling and group meetings.
To view upcoming community events, visit our What’s On page.
Meditation and Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Lucy Tennyson teaches relaxing Hatha Yoga to suit all ages and levels of fitness, and welcomes beginners. Classes last 75 minutes and start on Mondays at 11am, and Wednesdays at 5.15pm and 7.00pm. In summer, Lucy’s classes often take place in the garden. Contact Lucy at for more information and to book your space.
Led by Kate Palmer on Tuesdays. One-hour classes starting at 1.30pm and 3pm at Contact Kate at
Iyengar Yoga
Led by Carol Parke. Foundation/Newcomers Course on Monday evenings from 6–7pm for newcomers, complete beginners or people wanting to revisit the basics. General Courses on Monday evenings from 7.30 – 8.30pm or Thursday evenings from 6 – 7pm or
7.30 – 8.30pm. Suitable for people of all levels and experience. Contact Carol Parke on
Mindfulness Meditation
Every Monday (excluding Bank Holidays) 12.30 – 1.15pm. Free or by donation. This regular group explores mindfulness and how it can be incorporated into our daily lives. Each session includes an introductory talk, a meditation practice and a chance to share experience. Group size is restricted so please contact Graham on for more information and to find out if any spaces are currently available in the group.
Simply Silence
Every Friday 12.15 – 1.15pm. Free or by donation. Half an hour of silent meditation introduced by a short reading or some music. The readings may be taken from different religious or spiritual traditions or may be poems. Participants in the group take it in turns to offer the introduction to the meditation. For more information contact Adrian at or Sue Sheppy at
Heartfulness Meditation
Nearly every Sunday starting at 10.15 but good to arrive after 10. 10.15 to 11.15 am Free or by donation. Heartfulness is a modern system of Raja Yoga practised now in 160 countries in the world. It is simple and natural and helps us to connect to our inner source within our heart and find increasing balance, grounded ness and compassion. In our friendly group we start with a guided relaxation which helps lead us into resting in the space of our heart and to go deeper into peace and harmony within. This takes about 30 minutes followed by reflection and sharing refreshments and chat. Everyone over 18 most welcome. Contact Rosalind on .
Quaker Meeting
Abingdon Quakers meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the Garden Room and on the second Sunday of each month at 10.30am in the Garden Room or Garden. All are welcome.
Pink Dahlia -Visualisation Guided Meditation
Saturday 10.30am -11.30am
Victoria supports your self-discovery journey, learning to embrace the power of now and uncovering your true potential. Visualization meditation is a powerful technique that uses guided imagery to cultivate specific psychological qualities. During the session you will be gently guided to create vivid mental images or journeys. This will allow you to enhance your well-being, self-love, reduce stress/anxiety and achieve your goals. The sessions are held in a sanctuary with calming music and soothing aromas. All mat’s, blankets and pillows are provided. Visualisation meditation is an excellent tool to clear you mind and create stillness.
Suitable for beginners to experienced meditators. Workshops and presentations. Check webpage for dates.
Call or email to book - 07710428330 -
Other Groups
Carbon Cutters
Meets monthly. Contact Sally Reynolds at or Susie Howard on 01235 533278.
Book Group
First Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Garden Room or on Zoom. New members most welcome. Contact
Dementia-Friendly Abingdon
This group holds a weekly coffee morning on Thursdays at 10.30am at St Ethelwold’s for coffee, chat and information sharing. It is suitable for those suffering from or caring for someone with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. For more information email