What the gardeners really think… Victoria’s experience

I’ve known the garden well over about seven years, since moving to Abingdon. I come with friends and family, and like to show it to people who haven’t found it – a special, almost secret garden. People sometimes hover at the gate wondering  “are we allowed in?” and need encouragement to come and explore.

This year I have retired, and just at the right moment I saw the appeal for help in the garden – I responded immediately! It’s great being outdoors, being active and working with a group of other people.

To begin I was told how I could help – pruning, deadheading and weeding. Early on I was given a big job, the pruning of the rose on the wall, which was so satisfying to do. In early summer I love the pale blue iris, so was really happy to be involved in lifting them all, cutting back and replanting, learning from others how to do it properly. In full summer the herbaceous border is beautiful.

I used to work in a school, and am glad to have been given the task of supervising a group of teenage schoolboys who come to help one afternoon each week.

The garden is an absolute little gem with a unique atmosphere. It’s good to be welcomed by the team, get involved and go with the flow.