Books and Bakes

Next Books and Bakes

Browse and buy beautiful books at St Eth’s

Coffee and Home made Cake

Tuesday 7th March    10.30-12

Do join us!

Kindness and Community

Books and Bakes on 21st January was a special one, to celebrate kindness and community, as it fell in the week of the Winter Great Get Togethers, held nationally in memory of Jo Cox, MP

We were delighted to welcomes many visitors and very touched when one of our regular supporters, Barbara, made these hearts for us. The morning was indeed full of kindness and connecting.



Update on autumn and Christmas events

“Thanks to all of you who have come along to St Ethelwolds House to our Tuesday morning Books & Bakes sessions and to the Christmas Wreath-making Workshop

We have now given donations of £250 to Crisis at Christmas and £250 to Abingdon Food Bank from the funds raised through these events and really appreciate all our ‘customers’ and the time and generosity of our volunteers.


Christmas Wreath Making Workshop

Saturday December 3rd 10-12.30

Come and join the fun making a beautiful fresh Christmas wreath with two experienced tutors.

Everything provided, including aromatic greenery, dried fruit slices, ribbons and cinnamon sticks, but do feel free to bring along anything you particularly wish to include.

Ticket price includes home made cake, tea,coffee and satsumas and gentle background music!

Numbers limited. £20 per head. Call St Ethelwold’s on 01235 555486 to book a place