Newsletter November 2020: St Ethelwold’s House and Garden is still open 

An Open Gate

As we enter into Lockdown 2 we can take comfort from the fact that over the months of the pandemic the garden at St Ethelwold’s House has always been open while so many other gates have remained firmly and bleakly shut tight to visitors.

We are so used to being free to call in at gardens open to the public and at buildings such as museums, or even Oxford Colleges. But during the pandemic almost all have been closed.

The garden at St Ethelwold’s House has truly come into its own during the months of enforced closure. Not only has it remained open throughout the months of Covid anxiety, our firm intention is that it will stay open as a place of refuge and restoration.

Those who already knew of its beauty and tranquility have sought it out for quiet solitude or to meet friends in an open-air space when it was not possible or advisable to meet up indoors. The garden has been used over the summer by informally organised yoga and meditation groups and also by other small groups with no previous connection with the house or the garden: a French conversation group, for example, and a singing group. Even an art exhibition has been hosted in the garden.

St Ethelwold’s House has the only river-side garden open to the public in Abingdon. Many people stumbled across it for the first time during their government-approved lockdown walks and came in, sometimes tentatively. One lady asked hesitantly, “Can anyone at all really come in and use the garden?” She could hardly believe that it was so freely available to anyone whenever the gates were open; which, of course, they almost always are.

Perhaps the open gates are the best symbol of the spirit of St Ethelwold’s: always open and welcoming. During the spring and summer and into the autumn, when so many other gates and doors are firmly shut tight, the gates at St Ethelwold’s House offer an open refuge and a welcome to all.

The garden at St Ethelwold’s House is maintained by a small group of dedicated volunteers. A deep bow of gratitude to Susie, Bev and Simon.

The little River Room at St Ethelwold’s House

A long and lonely winter?

Many are thinking creatively about how we can survive – and even thrive – during the next few months. We have been very happy to welcome people to the garden, even during deep lockdown, and to the House when restrictions were lifted. Do think about how you might enjoy what is on offer, or how you might use St Eths to offer something yourself.

The house has been used by various small groups since we have been able to meet in groups of six. The Sanctuary is a beautiful space for meditation, for mindfulness, and yoga and Pilates groups. The Garden Room is spacious and light, with French windows for good ventilation, and has been used for Art and Craft groups as well as for Music Making, both for individuals and small groups.  We would love to see more such creative use of this room. There is a small charge to cover rent and heating.

By the river is a small room that is used for retreat, for writing and ruminating. It has its own balcony by the waterside, and is available for booking.

There is also an even smaller River Room which used to be open for anyone to sit and watch the river go by for a while. With Covid concerns we have had to lock this, but it can be reserved for brief visits by calling in or ringing the office on weekday afternoons 01235 555486…most use it for a half hour or so.  There is no charge for this room, or for use of the garden, but we welcome kind donations towards upkeep.

Lockdown 2 will put a hold on some of these ways of using the house during October but we will be ready to go again when the restrictions are lifted!  So do come and join us over the winter months. Thrive with us!